وظائف فيرام الله والبيرة
وظائف في رام الله والبيرة
Mingle with Entrepreneurs: Where Ideas and Opportunities Meet!
Flow Accelerator and Gaza Sky Geeks are excited to invite you to Mingle with Entrepreneurs event! Ready to meet aspiring people, swap ideas, and maybe even find your next business partner or core team member? Join us for an informal networking event that’s all about connecting, collaborating, and kicking off new partnerships!
What Will You Gain:
You'll have the chance to meet entrepreneurs, enablers, investors, and tech enthusiasts from across the ecosystem. Whether you're looking to share your latest startup challenge or just mingle with fellow innovators, this is your opportunity to grow your network with some of the brightest minds in the entrepreneurial world. Who knows? Your next big idea could be just one conversation away!
Event Details:
- Date: 28th of October
- Time: 3:00-5:00PM
- Location: Flow Accelerator, AlTireh main Street, AlTireh Center Building (B), 4th Floor _Next to Nelson Station previously
How to Apply:
Don’t miss out! Register now through the "APPLY NOW" button above.
وصف وظيفي:
المسمى الوظيفي: عامل/عاملة نظافة
عدد الوظائف: 2
الجنس: نساء
العمر: لا يتجاوز 55 عاماً
نوع الشفت:
- شفت صباحي: من 8:00 صباحاً إلى 4:00 مساءً
- شفت آخر: من 9:00 صباحاً إلى 5:00 مساءً
المهام والمسؤوليات:
- القيام بأعمال التنظيف العامة في المرافق المخصصة.
- الحفاظ على نظافة وترتيب الأماكن المختلفة.
- استخدام معدات التنظيف بشكل صحيح وفعال.
- اتباع تعليمات السلامة أثناء العمل.
- التعاون مع باقي أفراد الفريق لتحقيق بيئة نظيفة وصحية.
- خبرة سابقة في مجال التنظيف مع شركات معروفة.
- القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل وضمن فريق.
- مهارات تنظيمية جيدة.
- الالتزام بالمواعيد والدقة في العمل.
طريقة التقديم
يمكن للمرشحين المهتمين التسجيل من خلال النقر على زر "تقدم لهذه الفرصة" للانتقال لتعبئة الاستبيان.
للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال على الرقم التالي: 0595504405
عن التحدي:
يهدف هذا التحدي إلى تشجيع الشباب الفلسطيني، وخاصة المهندسين، على تشكيل فرق للتنافس لتطوير حلول ميسورة التكلفة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة. نسعى من خلال هذا التحدي إلى تشجيع الشباب الفلسطيني على الإبداع والابتكار وتكريس المعرفة التقنية والمعرفة الحياتية لتلبية الاحتياجات الواقعية للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال تطوير حلول بسيطة ولكن ابداعية وسهلة الوصول وميسورة التكلفة.
للتأهل للمشاركة في المسابقة وتقديم الطلبات:
يجب أن يتألف الفريق من:
- مهندس أو أكثر( تصميم، كهرباء، ميكانيك، ميكاترونيكس أو تخصصات ذات علاقة)
- شخص صاحب الاحتياج الخاص (من الافراد ذوي الاعاقة/معرفة مباشرة بالاحتياج) وقد يكون نفس الشخص لديه مهارات هندسية، تصمیم، مهارات مهنية
- إذا أمكن، عضو من الكادر الطبي أو المساعدات التقنية من ذوي العلاقة أو في حال وجد شخص متخصص مشرف او متابع للحالة (اختياري ولكن يفضل).
الشباب المستهدفين: المسابقة مفتوحة للشباب الفلسطيني من جميع المحافظات، طلاب الجامعات،المهندسين، والعاملين في المنظمات الشبابية والمجتمعية ممن لديهم الشغف والإبداع لتطوير حلول تساعد المجتمع وخاصة الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة.
- الحياة اليومية : حلول بسيطة تساعد الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة على ممارسة حياتهم اليومية بشكل سهل ومستقل.
- الفنون والموسيقى: حلول بسيطة تساعد الافراد ذوي الاعاقة الذين لديهم موهبة فنية/موسيقية بممارستها بسهولة.
- الرياضة: حلول بسيطة تساعد الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة الذين لديهم موهبة رياضية لممارستها بشكل أسهل.
- ابحث عن شخص من ذوي الإعاقة -حدد تحدياً يواجهه في حياته اليومية (قد يكون ذلك من خلال الدائرة المحيطة بك أو من خلال مراكز التأهيل والمؤسسات ذات العلاقة في منطقتك).
- كوّن فريقك -اعمل مع فريق لمواجهة هذا التحدي (فرد من ذوي الإعاقة والذي يحدد التحدي المراد ايجاد حل له، مهندس، أخصائي علاج حسب الحالة (اذا امكن).
- ابتكر الحل -قم بتصميم فكرة الحل المقترح. (المطلوب تقديم حل بسيط ومبدع، تصميم الحل المقترح وتقديم بروتوتايب حسب الجدول الزمني المذكور أدناه).
- قدّم مشروعك للتقييم -اعرض حلَّك وتنافس على الجوائز.
ما الفائدة التي ستحصل عليها؟
- إرشاد من خبراء مختصين
- ورشات عمل إرشادية
- فرص تدريب ومشاركات في انشطة وبرامج محليا ودوليا
- جوائز للفرق الفائزة
- شهادات تقدير وتميز للفرق المشاركة التي تشارك بفعالية وقد لا يحالفها الحظ في الفوز بالجائزة
مراحل التقديم للمسابقة:
ستمر عملية التقديم بالمراحل التالية (يتخلل هذه المراحل متابعة وإشراف ومساعدة من فريق ميكرز):
المرحلة الأولى: اخر موعد (2024/11/7) المطلوب:
- تشكيل الفريق: تأكد من أن الفريق يضم أعضاءًا تتوفر لديهم المهارات المطلوبة وأنهم يفهمون احتياجات الفئة المستهدفة.مع تعبئة أسماء أعضاء الفريق جميعا والمهارات التي لدیهم
- وصف المشكلة:المشكلة التي يسعى فريقك لحلها.شرح عن الشخص صاحب الاحتياج، التحدي الذي يواجهه .
- الحل المقترح: وصف أولي للحل وكيف يعالج المشكلة.
المرحلة الثانية آخر موعد (2024/11/30) المطلوب:
- تطوير النماذج الأولية :بعد قبول مقترحك، سيكون لديك ما يقارب 3 أسابيع تطوير النموذج الأولي. سنوفر إرشادات ودعم افتراضي خلال هذه الفترة.
- التزام بالمصدر المفتوح: تأكيد الالتزام بجعل الحل النهائي مفتوح المصدر.
المرحلة الثالثة آخر موعد (2024/12/5) المطلوب:
- تقدیم النموذج النهائي : في نهاية الفترة الزمنية للمسابقة وفي موعد اقصاه 12/5، ستحتاج إلى تقديم النموذج النهائي مع مواد داعمة مثل الفيديوهات والصور لعرض النموذج.
المرحلة الرابعة آخر موعد (2024/12/10):
- مراجعة المشاريع من قبل لجنة تحكيم مختصة واختيار المشاريع الفائزة
المرحلة الخامسة آخر موعد (2024/12/15):
- حفل إعلان الفائزين، وتكريم الفرق المشاركة.
معايير التقييم:
- الابتكار :مدى إبداعية الفكرة.
- التأثير الاجتماعي :مدى تأثير الحل في حياة الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة.
- القابلية للتنفيذ والاستدامة: مدى واقعية وقابلية الحل للتنفيذ والتطوير والاستدامة
- سهولة الاستخدام: هل الحل سهل الاستخدام من قبل الشخص صاحب الاحتياج
- دور الفرد من ذوي الإعاقة :هل تم تصميم الحل بمشاركة الشخص صاحب الاحتياج
- التكلفة: هل المنتج قليل التكلفة والمواد المطلوبة لتصنيع متوفرة وغير باهظة الثمن۔
- المشاريع الفائزة ستحصل على جوائز تتراوح ما بين 500 إلى 2000 دولار، وفقاً لمعايير محددة.
- ستُمنح الجوائز للفائزين بناءً على جودة الحلول المقدمة ومدى استجابتها للمعايير المذكورة أعلاه.
طريقة التقديم:
للتقديم للمسابقة، يرجى النقر على زر "تقدم لهذه الفرصة" أعلاه.علما بأنه سيتم تزويد المتقدمين الذين سيتم اختيارهم في المرحلة الأولى بالنماذج المطلوب استكمالها خلال المراحل اللاحقة.
Job Overview:
The Media, Outreach, and Advocacy Coordinator will play a crucial role in advancing the organization's mission through strategic media outreach, digital advocacy, and public engagement. This individual will focus on amplifying the organization’s message, managing social media platforms, creating convincing short video content, and leading advocacy efforts to increase visibility for key campaigns. The role requires a dynamic, creative individual with strong media skills and a passion for social justice and community-driven causes.
Key Responsibilities:
Media Relations & Outreach
- Develop and execute media strategy to increase coverage in local, national, and nternational outlets.
- Build and maintain relationships with journalists, media outlets, and influencers.
- Develop and lead digital advocacy strategies & draft press releases to support the organization’s policy and programmatic goals.
- rack & monitor social media coverage to refine strategies and optimize performance, and report on outreach impact.
Social Media Management:
- Manage and create content for the organization’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.).
- Engage with online communities, fostering conversations and increasing follower engagement.
- Plan, produce, and edit multimedia content (videos, infographics, etc.) that highlight the organization’s work, impact stories, and advocacy campaigns tailored for different platforms and audiences.
- Collaborate with program teams to document fieldwork, interviews, and key events for media coverage.
- Ensure consistency of messaging and brand identity across all digital content.
Advocacy Work:
- Participate in designing Advocacy Campaigns.
- Coordinate public campaigns to mobilize supporters, raise awareness, and advocate for change on key issues.
- Work closely with partners, coalitions, and grassroots groups to amplify collective advocacy efforts.
- Prepare advocacy materials such as factsheets, reports, and action alerts to support external communication efforts.
Reporting & Evaluation
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of media and advocacy efforts.
- Compile regular reports on media reach, social media performance, and advocacy outcomes.
- Make recommendations for improving outreach and advocacy strategies based on data-driven insights.
Qualifications &Skills:
Educational Background:
- Bachelor’s degree in communications, Media Studies, Journalism, or a related field.
- 3+ years of professional experience in media, communications, or human rights advocacy roles, preferably within the NGO & humanitarian sector.
Social Media Expertise:
- Proven experience managing social media platforms, including content creation, engagement strategies, and analytics.
Video Production Skills:
- Proficiency in latest video editing software and experience creating short-form videos for advocacy purposes.
Media Relations:
- Strong understanding of media environment, with a network of press contacts and a track record of securing media coverage.
Advocacy Skills:
- Experience in organizing digital advocacy campaigns, mobilizing supporters, and working with diverse stakeholders.
Writing &Communication:
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic & English, with the ability to craft compelling narratives and translate ideas into engaging content.
Project Management:
- Ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment.
Passion for Social Justice:
- Deep commitment to MA’AN’s mission and to advancing equity and human rights through advocacy.
- Experience working with graphic design tools for creating visual content
To Apply:
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply via the "APPLY NOW" button above.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
MA’AN Development Center is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women to apply for all positions. MA’AN has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and violation against Children, Protection is everyone’s responsibility based on MA’AN policies and regulations.
Vacancy Description:
Are you a results-driven sales professional with a passion for technology and compliance solutions? We are looking for two talented Sales Representatives to join our team at Axsos AG and drive the growth of our cutting-edge Policy App. Whether you’re fluent in English or bilingual in English and German, we have a position for you!
Our Policy App helps companies streamline their policy management, ensuring compliance, risk reduction, and improved operational efficiency. As a Sales Representative, you’ll be at the forefront of promoting this solution to the US, UK, and German markets, helping businesses solve their compliance challenges.
Your Responsibilities:
- Generate Leads: Proactively reach out to potential clients through LinkedIn, cold calls, and other platforms, aiming for 400 leads per month.
- Build Relationships: Engage with HR managers, compliance officers, and decision-makers to understand their needs and demonstrate how our Policy App can meet their business goals.
- Close Deals: Manage the full sales cycle, from lead qualification to product demos, negotiations, and deal closure.
- Market Focus: Tailor your approach based on the market – one position will focus on English-speaking markets, while the other will engage both English and German-speaking clients.
Your Profile:
- Language Skills:
- English Sales Representative: Fluent in English.
- Bilingual Sales Representative: Fluent in English and German.
- Enthusiasm for Sales: We welcome individuals who are eager to learn and grow, whether you’re just starting your sales career or looking for the next challenge.
- Communication Skills: Strong communication and presentation skills, with the ability to build relationships with clients.
- Tech Savvy: Familiarity with LinkedIn and CRM systems is helpful, but training will be provided.
- Motivated & Self-driven: Passionate about achieving success and contributing to the growth of our Policy App.
We Offer You:
- A modern work environment in an international working atmosphere.
- We are open, honest, direct, friendly, and uncomplicated in our dealings with each other.
- The possibility of working from home.
- Flexible work environment – work remotely or in the office.
- Exciting opportunity to sell a unique, high-demand product in global markets.
- Ongoing professional development and training.
- Be part of a supportive, innovative team that values results and collaboration.
How to Apply:
Ready to make an impact and be part of an innovative team? Submit your resume and a brief cover letter detailing your sales achievements and why you're the right fit for this role, via the "APPLY NOW" button above, and join us in transforming the way businesses manage their policies and compliance!
Vacancy Description:
We are seeking a detail-oriented and proactive Finance Coordinator to join our team at Axsos Academy. In this role, you will manage financial operations, including student payments, financial reporting, and vendor management. As you will play a key role in ensuring the accuracy of financial transactions and reports.
Why Axsos Academy?
- Join a mission-driven organization dedicated to empowering the next generation of professionals.
- Collaborate with a passionate team focused on innovation and excellence in education.
- Play a key role in bridging the gap between education and industry, helping students succeed in their careers.
- Enjoy a supportive work environment with opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
- Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package tailored to your growth.
Collections and Payments:
- Manage the collection of student payments, ensuring timely and accurate processing.
- Maintain detailed records of all transactions, including tuition fees, scholarships, and other financial aid.
- Monitor overdue accounts and follow up with students and families to ensure payments are made.
- Complete the payments process and deal with any issues in the payments immediately, as well as ensuring having guarantees from students and following up with our legal advisor in case of any defaults in payments.
- Archiving all contracts and payments guarantees.
Financial Reporting:
- Prepare and maintain accurate financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
- Conduct regular financial audits and reconciliations to ensure data integrity.
- Provide monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports to the management team.
Vendor and Expense Management:
- Manage relationships with vendors, ensuring timely payment and proper documentation of expenses.
- Oversee the procurement process, including the issuance of purchase orders and verification of received goods/services.
- Ensure compliance with all tax regulations, preparing and submitting tax documents as required.
Taxes and Invoices:
- Prepare and issue invoices to students, vendors, and other stakeholders.
- Ensure accurate tax calculations and submissions in accordance with local and national tax laws.
- Maintain organized records of all financial documents, including invoices, receipts, and tax filings.
General Responsibilities:
- Maintain confidentiality and integrity in handling all financial and student information.
- Stay updated with industry best practices and regulatory changes in finance and career services.
- Collaborate with other departments to support the overall goals and objectives of the academy.
Your Profile:
- Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, or any other related field.
- Proven experience in Finance Management, preferably within an educational institution.
- Strong understanding of financial principles.
- Excellent organizational and multitasking skills, with a keen attention to detail.
- Effective communication and interpersonal skills to build and maintain professional relationships.
- Proficiency in financial software and Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a dynamic environment.
We Offer You:
- A modern work environment in an international working atmosphere.
- We are open, honest, direct, friendly, and uncomplicated in our dealings with each other.
- The possibility of working from home.
How to Apply:
Ready to make an impact and be part of an innovative team? Submit your resume and a brief cover letter detailing your sales achievements
and why you're the right fit for this role, via the "APPLY NOW" button above and join us in transforming the way businesses manage their policies and compliance!
Job Description
Al Nayzak for Supportive Education & Scientific Innovation is part of the Basic Education Activity, that was recently awarded to the consortium led by Creative DC, and sub awarded to AlNayzak. AlNayzak will implement interventions under Intermediate Result 2 focusing on offering extracurricular activities and remedial education for children grades 1 through 6. Activities will include the following interventions: Science Fun Days, STEM/STEAM incubators, STEAM Summer/Winter Camps, Tinkering at the Science House, along with community based remedial education interventions. These interventions will be implemented in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Role Overview:
The project manager will lead and oversee the entire project. Planning and implementation of all interventions fall under their direct responsibility. They will serve as the contact person with Creative offices and will be responsible for all reporting and oversight of project operations, budgets and human resources. They will report directly to the Educational Lead and CEO. They ensure that all project activities are implemented and that a healthy project cycle is maintained with all deadlines met. They will lead and follow up on the project team members ensuring integrity and congruence in implementation. They will conduct regular field visits, maintain connection with stakeholders, partners and rightsholders.
Job Requirements
- Develop a detailed annual work plan with clearly identified deliverables, targets and timelines.
- Oversee the implementation of all interventions in a timely manner, ensuring that all interventions are launched and ended within the designated
timeframe meeting the set annual set target.
- Plan and develop annual budget.
- Monitor and report project spending.
- Allocate resources for each intervention and ensure timely spending.
- Work directly with component officers to ensure that all interventions are implemented and all set targets for each intervention is met.
- Work closely with deputy project manager to manage field connections, selection of CBOs and signing of MOUs.
- Conduct weekly follow up meetings with all team officers.
- Review and approve team timesheets, monthly reports for all BEA project team members
- Conduct weekly follow up meeting with Creative
- Serve as the contact person with Creative for all communications pertaining to project implementation
- Participate in bi-weekly Organizational Admin meetings.
- Work directly with MEAL officer to develop data collection and analysis mechanisms.
- Oversee the collection of MEAL data and the timely submission of all requirements to Creative MEAL department.
- Identify and manage potential risks, ensuring that contingency plans are developed and in place.
- Ensure that all aspects of the project and its personnel are compliant with organizational regulations, and legal regulations required.
Minimum Requirements:
- Master’s Degree in Project Management or any related specialization required.
- Bachelor’s Degree in one of the relevant fields: Applied Sciences, Engineering or Technology
- At least five years relevant work experience, preferably in a Local/ International NGO.
- knowledge and understanding of quality education principles, STEM, TVET and STEAM approaches
- Knowledge and understanding of Social Emotional Learning
- Fluency in English both verbal and written, Arabic as a mother tongue.
Skills and Attributes:
- Strong leadership and management skills.
- Excellent attention to details; strong organizational skills.
- Good personal, communication and team coordination skills.
- Demonstrated ability to manage budgets and understand financial principles.
- Excellent organization and time management.
- Problem-solving and decision-making abilities
- Management skills with the ability to multitask.
- Highly committed, able to work under pressure, adapt to new situations, and meet deadlines
- Experience in working in conflict areas and understanding the local context is preferred.
- Excellent knowledge in Microsoft Office.
- Proficient in project management software tools.
- Valid Driver’s License.
Submission Mechanism:
Professionals who possess the minimum requirements are encouraged to apply before (31.10.2024) through the "APPLY NOW" button above.
Short listed candidates will be contacted to take an exam and be part of an interview.
Project overview:
Al Nayzak for Supportive Education & Scientific Innovation is part of the Basic Education Activity, that was recently awarded to the consortium led by Creative DC, and sub awarded to Al Nayzak. Al Nayzak will implement STEM related interventions focused on informal education. Activities will include mobile exhibitions, science fun days, STEM/STEAM incubators, and Science House Tinkering space interventions. BEA will geographically cover the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.
Position Summary:
The IR2 Remedial Education Officer will play a crucial role in the implementation of all remedial activities across selected CBOs. They will oversee facilitator selection, vetting and approval, as well as training, materials delivery to CBOs, and student selection. They will ensure that the remedial program runs smoothly and that all necessary materials and resources are available for facilitators to conduct remedial education activities.
:Job Requirements
- Disseminate information about remedial education to CBOs
- Work with CBOs to publish facilitator application
- Work with CBOs to publish student registration form and assist in selection
- Coordinate facilitator selection procedures: exams, trainings…etc.
- Plan and prepare for facilitator training days ensuring that all required materials including hospitality are present.
- Prepare purchase orders as required by Remedial Education Officer and submit for review
- Coordinate with MEAL officer to ensure collection of facilitator training attendance sheets, and student remedial education sessions attendance sheets.
- Disseminate pre- and post-surveys for facilitators during training
- Serve as the contact person for facilitators and CBOs and address their queries and concerns.
- Prepare, the pre-, during and post assessments to be disseminated and collected by facilitators for enrolled students.
- Serve as a contact person for all selected CBOs and address their queries and challenges as they arise.
Minimum Requirements
- Bachelor’s Degree in Education, preferably early childhood/primary years education, or any related specialization required.
- At least two years relevant work experience, preferably in a local International NGO.
- Experience in working with young children.
- knowledge and understanding of quality education principles, STEM, TVET and STEAM approaches
- Fluency in English both verbal and written.
Skills and Attributes
- Excellent attention to details; strong organizational skills.
- Good personal, communication and team coordination skills.
- Excellent organization and time management.
- Problem-solving and decision-making abilities
- management skills with the ability to multitask.
- Highly committed, able to work under pressure, adapt to new situations, and meet deadlines.
- Excellent knowledge in Microsoft Office.
- Valid Driver’s License
Submission Mechanism
Professionals who possess the minimum requirements are encouraged to apply before (31.10.2024) through the " APPLY NOW " button above.
Short listed candidates will be contacted to take an exam and be part of an interview.
توظيف المواهب الفلسطينية
تصفح الفرص