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The Future of Copywriting: best practiced of AI-aided content writing. 

Join us on our upcoming session with Kathrine Tinggaard Nicolaisen, she is and MBA, Marketing Strategist, and the former communications and brand manager of Gaza Sky Geeks. She has since then founded Olives & Heather - a social impact startup serving up marketing excellence with the goal of cultivating a new generation of Palestinian marketeers. Kathrine is originally from Denmark, but has spent more than 9+ years working in London, Berlin, and Amsterdam, before moving to Palestine in 2020.

About the talk:

In a ever-evolving world shaped by technology trends that rapidly appear (and disappear), nothing has sparked more controversy than the conversation around AI, losing our jobs to AI, and the notorious ChatGPT. Ethics, quality, and cost efficiency are all elements of this conversation, but what should you as a professional copywriter make of it all? They say those who don’t adopt AI will get left behind, but what’s the best way? Should you use ChatGPT to generate content? What is the impact of this? And how do you find balance? These are all questions we’ll dive into (and hopefully answer) during this upcoming talk. 

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