Data Analysis for Non-Programmers Save to Bookmarks
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عن الشركة/ المؤسسة

منصة إلكترونية تعمل على تشبيك الشباب في الفرص المتاحة بشكل محلي وبشكل عالمي.

About GSG/Mercy Corps 

Gaza Sky Geeks, established in 2011 by Mercy Corps with support from Google, is Palestine’s leading tech hub that trains, nurtures, and supports emerging tech talent with the goal of creating a sustainable and inclusive digital job market in Palestine.

Our Mission

Enable the resilient young women & men of Palestine to reach their potential and earn globally competitive incomes by doing high-value digital work.

About the session:

Gaza Sky Geeks will conduct online session in "Data Analysis for Non-Programmers" 

This session is intended as an introductory overview to familiarize you with the fundamentals of data analysis and guide you toward exploring this field further.

Date and time: 08/10/2024 at 5:00PM- 7:00 PM 

Location: Online

For questions please contact:

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