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1242 وظيفة

نتائج البحث:

1242 وظيفة
برنامج الفضاء لفلسطين للطلبة الفلسطينيين أخرى

إعلان مثير للغاية!

نحن متحمسون لتقديم برنامج "Space for Palestine"، برنامج رائد تحت مظلة مشكاة. مصمم للطلاب الفلسطينين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 12 و 18 عامًا، يهدف هذا البرنامج التعليمي إلى إشعال الشغف والفضول في مجالات الفلك والفيزياء الفلكية كما لم يحدث من قبل.

ما هو برنامج "Space for Palestine"؟

برنامج "Space for Palestine" هو رحلة تعليمية مصممة بعناية تهدف إلى تجهيز العقول الشابة بعجائب الكون. من خلال منهج مرتب ودروس تفاعلية، سيستكشف الطلاب عوالم الفلك والفيزياء الفلكية الرائعة وتأهليهم للمشاركة في الأولمبياد العالمي لعلم الفلك والفيزياء الفلكية. تم تصميم برنامجنا لتنمية التفكير النقدي ومهارات حل المشكلات، وفهم عميق للمبادئ الأساسية للفيزياء.

مراحل برنامج “Space for Palestine” :

المقدمة والتحفيز: إثارة شغف الطلاب بعلم الفلك والتعريف بأهميته.

بناء المعرفة الأساسية: إنشاء أساس علمي قوي لعلم الفلك والفيزياء الفلكية.

تطوير المهارات: تعلم مهارات البحث العلمي وحل المشكلات وتحليل البيانات.

التطوير الذاتي: تنمية مهارات التواصل الاجتماعي والتفكير الإبداعي والعمل الجماعي.

التحضير للأولمبياد: تدريب مكثف لتمكين الطلاب من المشاركة بفعّاليّة في أنشطة الأولمبياد الدولي.

موعد الانتهاء: 31‏/03‏/2024 عبر الانترنت
EPISODE - Training of Trainers and Mentors ريادة الأعمال

Background of the project

EPISODE aims to empower continuing vocational education and training providers to enhance the resilience, digital readiness, and growth of social entrepreneurship, micro-businesses, MSMEs, and early-stage start-ups in Palestine, with a focus on producing public prosperity. This will be achieved by defining future skills needed for social entrepreneurs in the digital era, and aligning such skills to the local unique Palestinian context. The project will upskill teachers/trainers and mentors on innovative tools, online teaching techniques and pedagogies, cutting-edge technologies, and trends in digital social entrepreneurship, and it will involve them in co-creating a blended course on Digital Social Entrepreneurship. The course will be piloted with youth who aspire to become entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, and early startups, empowering them to use digital transformation tools and models in order to either expand and improve their operations, or to initiate a social enterprise.

The EPISODE approach will be available to the public and transferable in interested institutions and organizations that are willing to reinforce the capacity and attractiveness of continuing vocational education. Moreover, the project will provide an open online microlearning unit on Digital Social Entrepreneurship, that will be available to all interested organizations and learners in English and Arabic.

The specific objectives for the project are to:

  • Anticipate the competencies needed by early and future social entrepreneurs to exploit digital transformation opportunities;
  • Expose teachers/trainers and mentors to digital and innovative pedagogical approaches and trends in digital social entrepreneurship;
  • Boost the digital and entrepreneurial skills and competencies of youth who aspire to become entrepreneurs, and early start-ups (founders and team members) with a focus on producing public prosperity

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of VET, project number 101092371). EPISODE lasts two years, from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.

The project is implemented by:

  • UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, Italy (coordinator)
  • Birzeit University, Palestine,
  • An-Najah National University, Palestine
  • BuildPalestine, Palestine
  • ALL DIGITAL, Belgium

Objectives of the ToT

The aim of the training of trainers (ToT) is to train teachers/trainers and mentors to digital and innovative pedagogical approaches and trends in digital social entrepreneurship.

The Training of Trainers includes: 

  1. A series of online conversations on cutting-edge technologies and trends in digital social entrepreneurship 
  2. An onsite training week abroad on innovative tools, techniques, and pedagogies in online teaching and mentoring
  3. Co-designing a blended learning course on “Digital Social Entrepreneurship” addressing young people willing to open up their businesses or young entrepreneurs in the unique context of Palestine

Training of trainers’ deliverables

* The blended course on “Digital Social Entrepreneurship” will consist in 40 hours online and 100 hours onsite, addressing young people willing to open up their businesses or young entrepreneurs


The contract will be awarded to the candidate showing the most relevant experience and knowledge in evaluation and the themes and educational sectors addressed by the project (VET and social entrepreneurship)

  • A master’s degree or higher in digital transformation, entrepreneurship, or any other related fields
  • Or At least 8 years of practical experience in social entrepreneurship, digital transformation, or other relevant fields 
  • experience in business management 
  • Availability and ability to travel outside of Palestine

Commitment period 

The contract shall be carried out during the eligibility period of the project

Assignment start date: 15. April. 2024

Assignment end date: 30. December. 2024

In case of an extension to the eligibility period of the project, the contract period is intended to be extended accordingly (without any budget changes).

Application procedure

  • Interested applicants must submit a completed online application form.
  • Deadline for application submission: 27th, March. 2023 
  • Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview 
  • The final phase of the application procedure will include submitting an assignment assigned by the selection committee 


Name: Rania Qasim 

Title: Head of Professional Development Unit- CCE

Email:  rqasim@birzeit.edu 

موعد الانتهاء: 27‏/03‏/2024 دولــية
منحة CIHEAM Chania لبرامج الماجستير للعام الأكاديمي 2024-2025 أخرى

CIHEAM Chania، هو معهد تأسيسي للمركز الدولي للدراسات الزراعية المتقدمة في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط، ويدعو خريجي الجامعات المهتمين إلى التقدم لبرامج الماجستير في العلوم (MSc) لمدة عامين التالية التي سيقدمها في العام الدراسي المقبل، وهي:

  • اقتصاد الأعمال والإدارة
  • جودة الغذاء وكيمياء المنتجات الطبيعية
  • المعلومات الجغرافية في الإدارة البيئية
  • علم الوراثة البستانية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية
  • الزراعة المستدامة

تسعى CIHEAM Chania بشكل خاص إلى استقطاب الطلاب ذوي المؤهلات العالية، والحاصلين على شهادة جامعية ذات صلة عما لا يقل عن أربع سنوات أكاديمية، والذين يجيدون اللغة الإنجليزية إجادة جيدة جدًا، والذين يلتزمون ويكرسون أنفسهم لتطوير معارفهم كي يصبحوا مبتكرين في العالم الأكاديمي و/أو عالم ريادة الأعمال. حيث تم تصميم برامج المعهد على أساس المعايير التعليمية الدولية، مع التركيز على توفير المعرفة النظرية المتقدمة وتطوير المهارات البحثية. كما تم تصميم البرامج على تعزيز المبادرة والتعاون عند الطلاب، ويتم تطبيقها في بيئة حديثة عابرة للحدود ومتعددة الثقافات وداعمة حيث يمكن للطلاب أن يزدهروا.

إن الشهادات العليا التي يقدمها المعهد موجهة نحو الطلاب ذوي المؤهلات العالية والطموحين من دول البحر الأبيض المتوسط وأوروبا الذين يرغبون في تطوير معارفهم والذين يلتزمون ويكرسون أنفسهم ليصبحوا مبتكرين في العالم الأكاديمي والبحثي و/أو عالم ريادة الأعمال.و تغرس تلك البرامج عقلية دولية لدى الطلاب الموهوبين وذوي المؤهلات العالية والخلفيات والتخصصات المتنوعة، وتعزز لدى الطلاب التفكير المستقل والنقدي المطلع.

يتم تدريس جميع الدورات باللغة الإنجليزية فقط. علاوة على ذلك، يفخر المعهد بالسمات المميزة للبرنامج التي يقدمها، خاصة من حيث:

  1. جودة أعضاء هيئة التدريس والذين هم من أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعات شهيرة في الاتحاد الأوروبي وكندا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، والذين هم في طليعة مجالاتهم.و يشكل هؤلاء الأساتذة وموظفو البحث مجتمعًا أكاديميًا مزدهرًا يعمل على تعزيز معرفة الطلاب وخبرتهم.
  2. القدرة على الاستجابة لاحتياجات الطلاب الفردية، وبناء علاقات شخصية مع الطلاب وخلق مجتمع خريجين نابض بالحياة، إلى جانب علاقات المعهد القوية مع عدد كبير من المعاهد الأكاديمية والبحثية في جميع أنحاء العالم.

هذه منحة دراسية الكاملة (وتشمل الرسوم الدراسية والمعيشة والإقامة) مقدمة لـ 4-5 خريجين جامعيين من بلدك لكي يتمكنوا من متابعة برامج ماجستير العلوم التي يقدمها المعهد.

موعد الانتهاء: 31‏/07‏/2024 دولــية
منح السلام الدراسية للطالبات الفلسطينيات في جامعة أولستر أخرى

ستدعم منح السلام ما يصل إلى أربع نساء فلسطينيات سنويًا بمنحة دراسية كاملة – تغطي الرسوم والإقامة وتكاليف المعيشة.

عن المنحة

تم إنشاء منح السلام الدراسية في عام 2023 لدعم النساء الفلسطينيات للدراسة في جامعة أولستر. وتهدف الجامعة إلى توفير الفرص للدراسة بكافة التخصصات للنساء الفلسطينيات ذوات القدرة والإمكانات، واللواتي فرصهن محدودة.

سيوفر البرنامج للطالبات والشابات فرصًا تعليمية وتدريبية من شأنها أن تساعد في تطوير حياتهن المهنية، مما يمكنهن من تحقيق التأثير في المجالات التي يخترنها.

وتتيح منح السلام الدراسية الالتحاق في جميع المواد ومجالات الدراسة.

ستمنح هذه المنحة الدراسية لأربع طالبات كالآتي:

  • طالبة بكالوريوس
  • طالبة ماجستير
  • طالبتا دكتوراه

قيمة المنح الدراسية

ستغطي المنحة الدراسية ما يلي:*

  • كافة رسوم التعليم
  • التكاليف الإقامة كاملة
  • رحلة ذهاب وعودة واحدة إلى الوطن لكل سنة دراسية
  • مصروف شهري لتغطية تكاليف المعيشة الأخرى

* سيكون التمويل للمستفيدين من المنح الدراسية فقط وليس لأي من المرافقين.

موعد الانتهاء: 12‏/05‏/2024 دولــية
Marketing Specialists التسويق

Marketing Specialist | Ramallah

We're looking for a passionate Marketing Specialist to join our team in Ramallah and be the mastermind behind our social media presence. You'll develop campaigns, craft compelling content, and analyze results to make sure we're reaching the right people and growing our brand.

Here's what you'll do:

  • Be our social media guru across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  • Create awesome and engaging content that grabs attention and gets people talking.
  • Develop and execute innovative social media marketing campaigns across various platforms,
  • Collaborate with the marketing team to keep our brand message on point.
  • Spot trends and opportunities to take our brand to the next level.
  • Track results, analyze data, and optimize campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Manage and optimize campaigns, focusing on key metrics such as cost per click (CPC), engagement rates, and overall return on investment (ROI).
  • Tell our story through strategic PR activities.
  • Stay ahead of the curve on all things digital marketing.

We're looking for someone who:

  • Has a degree in Marketing, Business, or something similar.
  • Knows social media marketing, content creation, and campaign management like the back of their hand.
  • Understands the language of digital marketing metrics and KPIs.
  • Can communicate clearly, write engagingly, and think creatively.
  • Thrives in a collaborative team environment.
  • Strong analytical skills, with a knack for data-driven decision making.

Think you've got what it takes?

If you're passionate about digital marketing, love creating content, and want to join a team that's making waves in the logistics industry, we want to hear from you! Apply with your CV and a quick cover letter telling us why you're the perfect fit.

موعد الانتهاء: 29‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Software Engineer - Flutter علم الحاسوب

A prop-tech start-up is looking to hire a Software Engineer - Flutter based on the following conditions.


About the Role:

We are looking for a Software Engineer Proficient in Flutter. You will be working with our candid and collaborative team, where your knowledge and advice about application architecture and the newest mobile technologies will be highly appreciated. The code you write will need to be cleanly organized and of the highest quality. You’ll also help ensure solid application performance and an excellent user experience.


● Developing new features and user interfaces from wireframe models

● Ensuring the best performance and user experience of the application

● Fixing bugs and performance problems

● Writing clean, readable, and testable code

● Maintaining and Improving existing code

● Cooperating with back-end developers, designers, and the rest of the team to deliver well-architected and high-quality solutions


The ideal candidate for this role should have:

● Extensive knowledge about mobile app development. This includes the whole process, from

the first line of code to publishing in the store(s)

● Strong proficiency in Dart

● Deep knowledge of Flutter

● Deep knowledge of BLoC Pattern and flutter_bloc

● Good knowledge of native iOS & Android

● Good knowledge of any of (Swift, Objective-C) and (Java, Kotlin)

● Familiarity with RESTful APIs and mobile libraries for networking

● Thorough understanding of GraphQL

● Thorough understanding of REST

● Experience with profiling and debugging mobile applications

● Strong knowledge of architectural patterns—MVP, MVC, MVVM, and Clean Architecture—and

the ability to choose the best solution for the app

● Understanding the nature of asynchronous programming

● Understanding mobile app design guidelines on each platform and being aware of their differences

● Proficient understanding of Git

● Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests

If you have what it takes to be a part of this exciting opportunity, don't hesitate to apply and embark on a journey that will challenge and inspire you. Join our team and unlock your true potential as we revolutionize the Residential Hospitality Industry together. Take the first step towards greatness and apply now!

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
UI/UX Designer التصميم الجرافيكي

A prop-tech start-up is looking to hire a UI/UX Designer based on the following conditions.

About the role:

Whether for our internal apps or external apps, we have many challenging UI screens and UX flows that require highly dedicated designers who like to solve puzzles and optimize user efficiency all while creating aesthetically pleasing designs of our rocket ship:

● A world-class hotel management system that empowers guests to take full advantage of their stays

● A suite of web and mobile tools that comprise a task management platform that supports all of our operations and gives us data on how our operations are functioning

● Streamlined logistics and inventory tracking to bring new properties online as soon as possible

Job Responsibilities:

● Steer the design process, emphasizing thorough research, conception, sketching, prototyping, and user testing, all with a strong focus on usability and efficiency.

● Oversee the conversion of high-level concepts into detailed user flows, wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, prioritizing intuitive and efficient user experiences.

● Stay updated on Figma's latest features, especially those that boost prototyping and the efficiency of the design system. Maintain a well-organized and up-to-date design system within Figma.

● Collaborate closely with stakeholders, always prioritizing user experience.

● Deliver designs tailored for a range of devices and interfaces, while proactively anticipating user needs.

● Identify and address usability challenges, always aiming for user-centered, efficient solutions.

● Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, refining designs based on feedback, user testing, and evolving company goals.

● Drive innovative solutions that elevate user satisfaction and efficiency.

● Lead in educating the team on UX's importance. Offer Figma-focused workshops for developers and hold regular discussions to streamline the development lifecycle and developers' tasks.


● A robust portfolio that demonstrates deep UX thinking, especially in creating efficient and intuitive user flows. This will be presented and defended during the interview.

● Minimum of three years of UI/UX design experience, with a substantial emphasis on user experience design. Preference for candidates with experience in designing intricate user flows for complex Enterprise-level digital environments.

● Mastery of interface design applications, particularly Figma.

● Deep-seated knowledge of UX design best practices and principles, coupled with a proven track record of designing for efficiency and user intuitiveness.

● Ability to extrapolate comprehensive user flows from minimal inputs such as user stories.

● Demonstrated foresight in anticipating future user needs and proactively identifying potential new features.

● Strong teamwork skills; experience with agile teams and collaborating with product managers and developers

● Capacity to translate abstract concepts into actionable UI designs.

● Passion for understanding and solving user challenges through innovative design.

● A proactive approach to staying updated with the latest UX trends, research, and methodologies in the industry.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Jr. Video Editor Designer التصميم الجرافيكي

Job Title Jr. Video Editor Designer

Division Marketing

Department Creative

Reports to Brand Manager



The video editor should have a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail. This role involves assisting in the editing and production of video content for various projects, including promotional videos, social media content, tutorials, and more.

This is an excellent opportunity for a talented individual to gain hands-on experience in video editing and grow within a fast-paced environment.



01. Assist in editing and assembling raw footage into polished video content.

02. Work closely with the video production team to understand project requirements and objectives.

03. Perform basic video editing tasks such as trimming, cropping, color correction, and audio adjustments.

04. Add visual effects, graphics, and animations to enhance the quality of video content.

05. Ensure consistency in style, branding, and messaging across all video projects.

06. Collaborate with other team members to brainstorm ideas, provide creative input, and contribute to the overall success of projects.

07. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, techniques, and tools for video editing and production.

08. Assist in organizing and maintaining video assets, including file management and archival.

09. Takes Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) lead in ensuring “safe systems of work” and “safe conditions” are in place within area of responsibility.

10. Performs other similar or related duties as required or assigned by management.



A. Educational Requirements / Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Film Production, Digital Media, Communications, or a related field.


B Experience:

  • 1-3 years of experience.



  • Proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve.
  • Basic understanding of video production techniques, including camera operation, lighting, and audio recording.
  • Strong attention to detail and a keen eye for visual composition.
  • Creativity and the ability to think critically to solve problems and overcome challenges.
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues.
  • Passion for storytelling and the ability to convey emotions and messages through video content.
  • Portfolio or demo reel showcasing previous video editing work is highly desirable.
  • Familiarity with motion graphics software such as Adobe After Effects is a plus.


5. KPI’s

Video Production Metrics:

Number of Videos Edited: Total number of videos edited within a specific time period.

Turnaround Time: Average time taken to complete video editing tasks from receiving raw footage to final delivery.

Video Length: Average length of edited videos produced by the junior editor.


Quality of Editing:

Editing Accuracy: Accuracy of editing tasks performed, measured by the number of errors or corrections needed.

Client Satisfaction: Feedback received from clients or stakeholders regarding the quality and effectiveness of edited videos.

Revisions Requested: Number of revisions requested by clients or stakeholders after initial video edits.


Technical Skills Development:

Training Hours: Number of hours spent on training or skill development activities related to video editing software and techniques.

Mastery of Editing Tools: Proficiency level in video editing software, demonstrated through proficiency tests or evaluations.


Creativity and Innovation:

Creative Input: Contribution of creative ideas or concepts to enhance the visual appeal and storytelling of edited videos.

Innovation in Editing Techniques: Implementation of new editing techniques or effects to improve the quality and impact of videos.


Workflow Efficiency:

File Organization: Maintenance of organized file structures and naming conventions for video assets.

Collaboration with Team: Ability to effectively collaborate with other team members, such as videographers, graphic designers, and producers.

Adherence to Deadlines: Consistency in meeting project deadlines and turnaround times for edited videos.


Feedback and Improvement:

Feedback from Supervisors: Feedback received from senior editors or supervisors regarding the quality and improvement areas of edited videos.

Self-Improvement Initiatives: Proactive efforts taken by the junior video editor to seek feedback, learn new skills, and improve editing techniques.


Engagement and Performance Metrics:

Video Engagement Metrics: Metrics such as views, likes, shares, and comments on edited videos, indicating audience engagement and impact.

Performance against Key Objectives: Achievement of specific goals or objectives set for video projects, such as increasing brand awareness or driving conversions.


Team Contribution:

Team Collaboration: Contribution to team projects, demonstrated through active participation, teamwork, and support for other team members.

Knowledge Sharing: Sharing of knowledge, skills, and best practices with other team members to foster learning and growth within the team.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة

توظيف المواهب الفلسطينية

تصفح الفرص

ابق على اطلاع بالفرص عبر البريد الإلكتروني
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