نتائج البحث:Design

25 وظيفة

نتائج البحث:Design

25 وظيفة
بدء استقبال طلبات مقترحات لتنفيذ مشاريع تنموية في المناطق المسماة (ج) - المرحلة الثانية ضمن الشروط المحددة ومعايير الأهلية للتقديم والمجالات المستهدفة أخرى

يعلن الاتحاد الفلسطيني للهيئات المحلية (APLA) وبتمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي (EU) والوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون (SDC) للمجالس القروية في الضفة الغربية عن بدء استقبال طلبات مقترحات لتنفيذ مشاريع تنموية في المناطق المسماة (ج) - المرحلة الثانية ضمن الشروط المحددة ومعايير الأهلية للتقديم والمجالات المستهدفة.

معايير الأهلية للتقديم:

1. أن يكون المتقدم مجلساً قروياً أو مجموعة من المجالس القروية من الضفة الغربية.

2. أن يكون مكان تنفيذ المشروع المقترح هو المنطقة المصنفة (ج).

3. أن يكون المجلس القروي عضواً في الاتحاد الفلسطيني للهيئات المحلية ومسدداً لرسوم العضوية حتى العام 2024.

4. ألا يكون المتقدم حاصلا على منحة من المرحلة الأولى.

الإطار العام للمشاريع:

تهدف هذه المنحة إلى دعم مبادرات تسهم في تطوير وتعزيز المجتمعات المحلية في المجالس القروية الواقعة في المنطقة المصنفة (ج) على الصعيدين الاقتصادي والاجتماعي، بما في ذلك المشاريع التي تعمل على توفير فرص عمل أو تحسين دخل الأسر في تلك المجتمعات المستهدفة. وتشمل المجالات التي يُمكن للمجالس القروية التقدم بطلبات لتنفيذ مشاريع فيها: التنمية الاقتصادية وخلق فرص عمل وريادة الأعمال، تطوير الخدمات الاجتماعية، تطوير المجتمع، المشاريع البيئية، المشاريع الثقافية والحفاظ على الموروث الثقافي، تطوير المناطق الريفية والزراعية، تمكين النساء، تطوير الشباب، وتحقيق العدالة وحقوق الإنسان، شريطة أن تكون هذه المشاريع ذات صلة مباشرة بمجال واحد على الأقل من المجالات سابقة الذكر.

لن يتم قبول أية مقترحات مشاريع لتنفيذ بنى تحتية بشكل مباشر، أو تمويل أعمال او مشتريات تم البدء بها أو إنجازها قبل الحصول على المنحة.

المخصصات المالية للمنح:

قيمة كل منحة لكل مجلس قروي فائز في التقييم النهائي للمشاريع المقدمة هي 25,000 يورو كحد أقصى.

موعد الانتهاء: 02‏/05‏/2024 الضفة الغربية
برنامج تدريبي متخصص في التصميم الجرافيكي ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التصميم الجرافيكي

دعوة إلى طلاب وخريجي الجرافيك والفنون الجميلة: برنامج تدريبي متخصص مع منتدى الفنون البصرية!

هل أنت موهوب في التصميم الجرافيكي أو الفنون البصرية؟

هل تبحث عن فرصة لتطوير مهاراتك واكتساب خبرة عملية في مجال الإبداع والسوشيال ميديا؟

يهدف البرنامج التدريبي الى تنمية المهارات واكتساب خبرة العملية للمشارك من خلال إعطاء مساحة للإنتاج العملي في مجال التصميم الجرافيكي والسوشال ميديا.

ميزات الفرصة التدريبية:

  •  الإعفاء الكامل من رسوم مدرسة الفنون البصرية طيلة فترة التدريب.
  •  بيئة عمل إبداعية وتعاونية.
  •  فرصة التفاعل مع هواة الفن والمدربين في هذا المجال.
  • تطبيق المهارات المكتسبة في الجامعة/الكلية في بيئة عمل حقيقية.

المهام المطلوبة من المشارك في الفرصة التدريبية:

  • تصميم منشورات، ستوريز، وريلز والفيدوهات القصيرة للسوشيال ميديا.
  • تصميم وتنفيذ الحملات الإعلامية الرقمية عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي.
  • كتابة محتوى السوشيال ميديا لاخبار وفعاليات المنتدى.
  • تصميم البوسترات والفلايرات والنشرات الالكترونية وأي تصاميم أخرى.
  • تصوير الحصص التدريبية والفعاليات المختلفة بالمنتدى (Photos & Videos).
  • تحديث محتوى الموقع الالكتروني للمنتدى.
  • مشاركة الفريق في التخطيط والتنفيذ لأنشطة وفعاليات المنتدى.

شروط التقدم:

  • أن يكون المتقدم طالبًا جامعيًا أو خريجًا في مجال التصميم الجرافيكي أو من لديه هواية في التصميم والإلمام في برامج التصميم المختلفة.
  • ساعات التدريب من الساعة 11:00 ظهراً إلى الساعة 7:00 مساءً لمدة 3 أشهر متتالية.

للتقدم للمنحة، يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية ونموذج من أعمالك (portfolio) عبر الرابط المرفق.   

آخر موعد للتقديم هو 13/4/2024

لا تفوّت هذه الفرصة المميزة لتطوير مهاراتك الإبداعية واكتساب خبرة عملية قيّمة في مجال التصميم والإعلام الرقمي!


  • سيتم اختيار المرشحين بناءً على أعمالهم المقدمة (Portfolio) وسيرتهم الذاتية.
  • سيتم التواصل مع المرشحين المختارين لإجراء مقابلة شخصية.

موعد الانتهاء: 13‏/04‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Product Design Engineer الهندسة

About the Company:

We are a pioneering community workspace dedicated to fostering creativity, innovation, and inclusivity. Our focus is on developing affordable, open-source solutions aimed at enhancing accessibility and improving life quality for individuals facing disabilities. From innovative 3D-printed prosthetics to a variety of assistive devices, our goal is to empower everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Role Overview:

In the role of Product Design Engineer, you will be instrumental in crafting inclusive and innovative solutions that significantly improve the quality of life for people with a range of needs. This position involves collaborative efforts with interdisciplinary teams, including designers, paramedical staff, and accessibility specialists, to design products that are user-friendly, accessible, and functional.

Key Responsibilities:

Research & Analysis:

  • Examine current products and technologies to find areas for improvement, innovation, and cost-effective alternatives.
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments in affordable assistive technologies, accessibility standards, and inclusive, user-centered design methodologies.

Concept Development:

  • Contribute to the creation of inventive, cost-effective, and viable product concepts aimed at addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.
  • Work alongside designers and stakeholders to turn user insights into actionable design solutions.
  • Use sketches, mockups, and prototypes to present and refine design ideas.

Engineering Design:

  • Outline detailed engineering specifications and requirements for product features and components.
  • Produce 3D models and technical drawings using CAD software and other design tools, such as Fusion 360 or SolidWorks.
  • Perform technical evaluations to ensure designs are practical, affordable, and manufacturable.
  • Maintain thorough documentation throughout the product development process, including final product files.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Engage closely with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment on project goals and requirements.
  • Effectively communicate design concepts, technical considerations, and project updates to all stakeholders.
  • Participate actively in design reviews, brainstorming sessions, and team meetings to promote collaboration and innovation.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Product Design, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics, Industrial Design, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in product design and development, emphasizing affordability, accessibility, and inclusive design.
  • Skilled in CAD software (e.g., SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Fusion 360) and other design tools.
  • Strong knowledge of engineering principles, materials science, and manufacturing processes.
  • Excellent communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Empathy, creativity, and a strong desire to create solutions that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.
  • Proficiency in English.
  • Experience with manufacturing and fabrication tools and equipment.
  • Enthusiasm for open-source principles and community-led innovation.
  • Self-motivated, with the ability to adjust to changing priorities and flourish in a dynamic environment.
  • Previous experience in a Makerspace, Fablab, or similar setting is advantageous.

Join Us: If you are driven to make a meaningful impact and contribute to projects that positively affect lives, we are eager to connect with you! Our organization offers a vibrant and cooperative work atmosphere where your efforts are appreciated and celebrated.

To apply, please upload your resume and a cover letter explaining your relevant experience and your motivation for applying, by April 4, 2024.

Note: We will reach out to candidates who meet the job requirements for further discussion.

موعد الانتهاء: 04‏/04‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
UI/UX Designer التصميم الجرافيكي

A prop-tech start-up is looking to hire a UI/UX Designer based on the following conditions.

About the role:

Whether for our internal apps or external apps, we have many challenging UI screens and UX flows that require highly dedicated designers who like to solve puzzles and optimize user efficiency all while creating aesthetically pleasing designs of our rocket ship:

● A world-class hotel management system that empowers guests to take full advantage of their stays

● A suite of web and mobile tools that comprise a task management platform that supports all of our operations and gives us data on how our operations are functioning

● Streamlined logistics and inventory tracking to bring new properties online as soon as possible

Job Responsibilities:

● Steer the design process, emphasizing thorough research, conception, sketching, prototyping, and user testing, all with a strong focus on usability and efficiency.

● Oversee the conversion of high-level concepts into detailed user flows, wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, prioritizing intuitive and efficient user experiences.

● Stay updated on Figma's latest features, especially those that boost prototyping and the efficiency of the design system. Maintain a well-organized and up-to-date design system within Figma.

● Collaborate closely with stakeholders, always prioritizing user experience.

● Deliver designs tailored for a range of devices and interfaces, while proactively anticipating user needs.

● Identify and address usability challenges, always aiming for user-centered, efficient solutions.

● Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, refining designs based on feedback, user testing, and evolving company goals.

● Drive innovative solutions that elevate user satisfaction and efficiency.

● Lead in educating the team on UX's importance. Offer Figma-focused workshops for developers and hold regular discussions to streamline the development lifecycle and developers' tasks.


● A robust portfolio that demonstrates deep UX thinking, especially in creating efficient and intuitive user flows. This will be presented and defended during the interview.

● Minimum of three years of UI/UX design experience, with a substantial emphasis on user experience design. Preference for candidates with experience in designing intricate user flows for complex Enterprise-level digital environments.

● Mastery of interface design applications, particularly Figma.

● Deep-seated knowledge of UX design best practices and principles, coupled with a proven track record of designing for efficiency and user intuitiveness.

● Ability to extrapolate comprehensive user flows from minimal inputs such as user stories.

● Demonstrated foresight in anticipating future user needs and proactively identifying potential new features.

● Strong teamwork skills; experience with agile teams and collaborating with product managers and developers

● Capacity to translate abstract concepts into actionable UI designs.

● Passion for understanding and solving user challenges through innovative design.

● A proactive approach to staying updated with the latest UX trends, research, and methodologies in the industry.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Jr. Video Editor Designer التصميم الجرافيكي

Job Title Jr. Video Editor Designer

Division Marketing

Department Creative

Reports to Brand Manager



The video editor should have a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail. This role involves assisting in the editing and production of video content for various projects, including promotional videos, social media content, tutorials, and more.

This is an excellent opportunity for a talented individual to gain hands-on experience in video editing and grow within a fast-paced environment.



01. Assist in editing and assembling raw footage into polished video content.

02. Work closely with the video production team to understand project requirements and objectives.

03. Perform basic video editing tasks such as trimming, cropping, color correction, and audio adjustments.

04. Add visual effects, graphics, and animations to enhance the quality of video content.

05. Ensure consistency in style, branding, and messaging across all video projects.

06. Collaborate with other team members to brainstorm ideas, provide creative input, and contribute to the overall success of projects.

07. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, techniques, and tools for video editing and production.

08. Assist in organizing and maintaining video assets, including file management and archival.

09. Takes Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) lead in ensuring “safe systems of work” and “safe conditions” are in place within area of responsibility.

10. Performs other similar or related duties as required or assigned by management.



A. Educational Requirements / Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Film Production, Digital Media, Communications, or a related field.


B Experience:

  • 1-3 years of experience.



  • Proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve.
  • Basic understanding of video production techniques, including camera operation, lighting, and audio recording.
  • Strong attention to detail and a keen eye for visual composition.
  • Creativity and the ability to think critically to solve problems and overcome challenges.
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues.
  • Passion for storytelling and the ability to convey emotions and messages through video content.
  • Portfolio or demo reel showcasing previous video editing work is highly desirable.
  • Familiarity with motion graphics software such as Adobe After Effects is a plus.


5. KPI’s

Video Production Metrics:

Number of Videos Edited: Total number of videos edited within a specific time period.

Turnaround Time: Average time taken to complete video editing tasks from receiving raw footage to final delivery.

Video Length: Average length of edited videos produced by the junior editor.


Quality of Editing:

Editing Accuracy: Accuracy of editing tasks performed, measured by the number of errors or corrections needed.

Client Satisfaction: Feedback received from clients or stakeholders regarding the quality and effectiveness of edited videos.

Revisions Requested: Number of revisions requested by clients or stakeholders after initial video edits.


Technical Skills Development:

Training Hours: Number of hours spent on training or skill development activities related to video editing software and techniques.

Mastery of Editing Tools: Proficiency level in video editing software, demonstrated through proficiency tests or evaluations.


Creativity and Innovation:

Creative Input: Contribution of creative ideas or concepts to enhance the visual appeal and storytelling of edited videos.

Innovation in Editing Techniques: Implementation of new editing techniques or effects to improve the quality and impact of videos.


Workflow Efficiency:

File Organization: Maintenance of organized file structures and naming conventions for video assets.

Collaboration with Team: Ability to effectively collaborate with other team members, such as videographers, graphic designers, and producers.

Adherence to Deadlines: Consistency in meeting project deadlines and turnaround times for edited videos.


Feedback and Improvement:

Feedback from Supervisors: Feedback received from senior editors or supervisors regarding the quality and improvement areas of edited videos.

Self-Improvement Initiatives: Proactive efforts taken by the junior video editor to seek feedback, learn new skills, and improve editing techniques.


Engagement and Performance Metrics:

Video Engagement Metrics: Metrics such as views, likes, shares, and comments on edited videos, indicating audience engagement and impact.

Performance against Key Objectives: Achievement of specific goals or objectives set for video projects, such as increasing brand awareness or driving conversions.


Team Contribution:

Team Collaboration: Contribution to team projects, demonstrated through active participation, teamwork, and support for other team members.

Knowledge Sharing: Sharing of knowledge, skills, and best practices with other team members to foster learning and growth within the team.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Senior Graphic Designer التصميم الجرافيكي

Job Title: Sr. Graphic Designer

Division: Marketing

Department: Creative

Reports to: Brand Manager



- As a Senior Graphic Designer, you will take a leadership role in shaping the visual identity of our brand and creating compelling designs across various platforms. Your creativity, expertise, and ability to mentor and inspire junior designers will be instrumental in driving our design efforts to new heights.



01. Lead the design process from concept development to final execution, ensuring all designs align with our brand identity and objectives.

02. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including marketing, product, and web development, to understand project requirements and deliver effective design solutions.

03. Develop innovative and visually appealing designs for a range of mediums, including digital platforms, print materials, packaging, and more.

04. Develop innovative and visually appealing designs for a range of mediums, including digital platforms, print materials, packaging, and more.

05. Provide art direction and guidance to junior designers, offering constructive feedback and mentorship to foster their growth and development.

06. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging design techniques, incorporating them into our design processes.

07. Manage multiple projects simultaneously, balancing priorities and meeting deadlines.

08. Conduct thorough quality control checks on design deliverables to ensure accuracy and consistency.

09. Collaborate with external vendors and agencies when needed, ensuring brand consistency in outsourced projects.

10. Takes Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) lead in ensuring “safe systems of work” and “safe conditions” are in place within area of responsibility.

11. Performs other similar or related duties as required or assigned by management.



A Educational Requirements / Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in graphic design, Visual Communication, or a related field (or equivalent work experience).


B Experience:

A minimum of 5 – 7 years of professional experience in graphic design or a closely related field with a strong portfolio showcasing a range of design projects.

Proven experience as a Sr. Graphic Designer or similar role.



  • Expert-level proficiency in graphic design software, such as Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign).
  • Deep understanding of design principles, typography, color theory, and layout composition.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and mentor a team of designers, providing guidance and fostering their professional growth.
  • Strong project management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks and manage multiple deadlines.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to effectively present and articulate design concepts and strategies.
  • Attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality design work.
  • Experience working with cross-functional teams and external vendors.
  • Ability to adapt quickly to changing priorities and evolving design needs.
  • Knowledge of motion graphics, animation, or video editing is a plus.


5. KPI’s

  • Design Project Completion Rate: Measure the percentage of design projects that are completed on time and within budget.
  • Design Quality: This could be gauged through feedback from stakeholders, such as team members, clients, or end-users.
  • Feedback can be collected through surveys or direct feedback sessions.
  • Brand Consistency: Evaluate how well the designs align with the brand identity and guidelines. This could be assessed through internal or external audits or stakeholder feedback.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Satisfaction: This KPI can be measured by soliciting feedback from the cross-functional teams (marketing, product, web development) regarding their satisfaction with the design team's collaboration and support.
  • Junior Designer Growth: This could be tracked by assessing the improvement in skills and performance of junior designers under the lead designer's mentorship.
  • Innovation in Design: Assess the number of new design techniques or trends incorporated into projects or the number of innovative design solutions implemented.
  • Vendor/Agency Collaboration Success: Measure the success rate of projects involving external vendors or agencies. This could be based on the successful delivery of outsourced projects that maintain brand consistency.
  • Quality Control Efficiency: Measure the percentage of design deliverables that pass quality control checks the first time.
  • Design Effectiveness: This can be evaluated by the performance of the design in achieving its objectives, such as conversion rates, user engagement metrics, or other relevant metrics for digital platforms.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
Senior Motion Designer/ Video Editor التصميم الجرافيكي

Job Title Senior Motion Designer/ Video Editor

Division Marketing

Department Creative

Reports to Brand Manager


As a Sr. Motion Designer/Video Editor, you will play a pivotal role in creating captivating and visually stunning motion graphics and videos for a range of projects. Your expertise in motion design, video editing, and storytelling, combined with your leadership skills, will contribute to our success in delivering compelling visual content.



01. Lead the conceptualization, design, and execution of high-quality motion graphics and videos for various platforms, including social media, marketing campaigns, and corporate presentations.

02. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, copywriters, and marketers, to understand project objectives and deliver exceptional visual content.

03. Manage and prioritize multiple projects, ensuring adherence to project timelines and deliverables.

04. Mentor and guide junior motion designers/video editors, providing feedback, inspiration, and fostering their growth and development.

05. Utilize industry-standard software (such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, or similar) to create dynamic motion graphics and seamlessly edit video footage.

06. Enhance visual storytelling through effective use of motion graphics, animation, transitions, and sound design.

07. Implement visual effects, color correction and other post-production tasks to enhance the final output.

08. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in motion design, video editing and visual effects, continuously improving your skills and exploring new creative possibilities.

09. Collaborate with stakeholders to understand project requirements, offer creative solutions, and effectively communicate design concepts and strategies.

10. Takes Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) lead in ensuring “safe systems of work” and “safe conditions” are in place within area of responsibility.

11. Performs other similar or related duties as required or assigned by management.



A. Educational Requirements / Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Motion Design, Video Editing, Film Production, or a related field (or equivalent work experience).

B. Experience:

  • Proven 5-7 years of experience as a Senior Motion Designer, Video Editor, or similar role, with an outstanding portfolio showcasing a range of motion design and video editing projects.
  • Expert-level proficiency in motion design and video editing software, such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, or similar tools.



  • Strong understanding of motion design principles, visual storytelling, and cinematic techniques.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, with experience leading and mentoring a team of motion designers/video editors.
  • Solid knowledge of color grading, sound design, and other post-production techniques.
  • Ability to interpret and execute creative briefs, translating concepts into compelling visual content.
  • Excellent attention to detail, with a keen eye for visual composition, typography, and timing.
  • Strong communication and collaboration abilities, with the capacity to work effectively in a team environment.
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.
  • Experience with 3D modeling, animation, or visual effects is a plus.



  • Project Delivery Timeliness: Track the number of projects completed on time versus those that missed the deadline.
  • Quality of Work: This could be assessed through client feedback, peer reviews, or by a superior.
  • Creative Input: The number of creative solutions or innovative ideas implemented in the design process.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Measure the effectiveness of collaborations through feedback from team members and stakeholders.
  • Mentorship Effectiveness: Track the progress and development of junior designers that are being mentored, through their performance improvement and feedback.
  • Software Proficiency: Measure the ability to utilize industry-standard software effectively. This could be determined by the efficiency in completing tasks or the sophistication of the final product.
  • Trend Adaptability: Evaluate the ability to implement the latest trends and techniques in completed projects. This could be assessed by staying up-to-date with industry standards and the inclusion of modern design elements.
  • Effectiveness of Visual Storytelling: Measure the impact of motion graphics, animation, transitions, and sound design on the final output. This could be determined through viewer engagement metrics or feedback.
  • Post-Production Enhancements: Assess the improvement in the final output after implementing visual effects, color correction, and other post-production tasks.
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction: Gather feedback from stakeholders regarding their satisfaction with the project's results, the communication process, and the problem-solving ability of the team.
  • Video and Motion Graphics Engagement: Measure viewer engagement with the final product, such as views, likes, shares, comments, or other applicable metrics on various platforms.

موعد الانتهاء: 25‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة
فرصة تطوعية - شارك إبداعك في مجالات التكنولوجيا والتصميم لإثراء حياة ذوي الإعاقة أخرى

انضم إلينا لنصنع الفارق في حياة الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة!

إذا كانت لديكم الرغبة في إحداث فارق في حياة الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، بالإضافة إلى امتلاككم مهارات أو اهتمامات في التكنولوجيا، التصميم، أو الابتكار، فإننا ندعوكم للانضمام كمتطوعين ضمن مبادرتنا الهادفة لابتكار حلول تسهم في دعم الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، نوفر فرصاً قيمة للشباب المهتمين بمجالات الابتكار، التصميم، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات الساعين لإحداث تأثير إيجابي في مجتمعهم وتحقيق الفائدة في الوقت ذاته، استفيدوا من الفرصة للمشاركة في أنشطة تطوعية تنمي خبراتكم، مع توفر تدريبات مجانية، جوائز، ومنح لتمويل مشاريعكم الإبداعية، الفرصة لاستخدام أحدث التقنيات والأدوات في فضائنا الإبداعي ميكرز.

فرص التطوع تشمل:

• التصميم والنمذجة الأولية

• الدعوة والمناصرة

• تنظيم الفعاليات

• الإعلام الاجتماعي والرقمي

• التواصل المجتمعي

ما الذي ستستفيد منه؟

• اكتسب خبرة عملية في بيئة تعاونية داعمة

• أحدث تأثيرًا معنويًا في حياة الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة

• وسّع مهاراتك ومعرفتك في مجالات التكنولوجيا، التصميم، والوصولية

• بناء علاقات قيمة مع أفراد ومحترفين ذوي تفكير مماثل

• اكسب التقدير والامتنان لمساهماتك في القضية ومجتمعك

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موعد الانتهاء: 10‏/03‏/2024 رام الله والبيرة

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